TASK Agrees to Scheme Agreement With PAR Technology. Read More

23.04.01 Release Notes




  • Added a clerk acknowledgement when a user hits an enforced daily product limit.
  • Added the ability to set a screensaver behind the clerk logon form.
  • Added an option to Multi PLU forms to use regular or large forms.
  • Improved xchangepoint customer display to allow for HTML content.
  • Added messaging support for Line Displays when XP has no clerks logged in.
  • Users can now determine if a surcharge will be taxable or not.
  • Default behaviour for products not included in a conversational menu flow will now place these products at the end of the sale.
  • Introduced the ability to use a display group in a recipe that can be used to sort recipes in XP when modifying.
  • Introduced display indexes for display groups to ensure sorting is as desired.
  • XP users can now set wait times per order type, this can then be used for online ordering partners and TOLO.
  • Enhanced the Delayed order keytype to allow a user to define the type of delayed orders to return.
  • Added keyboard support for the pickup Order keytype
  • Introduced the ability to refund using TASK Wallet
  • Users can now enforce a delivery fee using a PLU when using the delayed orders keytype.
  • New Keytype added to support debug mode for TASK technicians.
  • Added a range of filtering options for the Delayed Order form.
  • Added support for XP software updates whilst in debug mode.
  • Added Selected Item Only option for QTY keytype.
  • Introduced the ability to split an item into many quantities to allow for modifications to a portion of a product. EG modify half a pizza only.
  • XP updates can now be scheduled to be downloaded in advance and be applied and a specified time.


  • Clerks now have the ability to be assigned areas within a table layout and restrict access to areas outside of their assigned area.
  • Assigning items to a seat can now be enforced when checking in items to a table.
  • Enhanced UX to enable split tables to be filtered when viewing the main table number from which it was split.
  • Clerks now have the ability to transfer Table ownership to other clerks pending approval from the other clerk.
  • Added an option to allow a user to disable the chit printed when moving tables.
  • Enhanced the Table Layout form in xchangepoint to be full screen mode.
  • Improved performance of table charging to allow for tables to selected from a list, without retrieving all products in the table.

Payment Integrations

  • The confirmation form for Windcave transactions has been removed to improve transaction speed.
  • Added an option with the Flexischools integration for it to be used in a “Credit” mode.
  • Assembly Payments has been renamed to mx51.
  • Added the ability to tip post table transaction with the Freedompay payment integration.
  • Enhanced the Freedompay payment integration to allow a user to enter a tip % threshold to warn a clerk if a tip is higher than the threshold.
  • We have added support for Freedompay’s pre-auth tipping functionality.
  • Added support for surcharges with the Tyro Payment Integration
  • Increased reporting data captured from Tyro to include in TASK reports.
  • Moved the Tyro Payment Integration to the latest Pay Keytype support.
  • PCEftpos has been renamed to Linkly
  • Added support for surcharges with the Linkly Payment Integration
  • Increased reporting data captured from Verifone store and forward to include in TASK reports.


  • Users now have the ability to assign a default keypad menu by Labour Role.
  • Added the ability to enforce a minimum break period for clerks.
  • Enhanced xchangepoint’s waiver functionality to allow for multiple waivers to be shown consecutively.


  • Added the ability to include item count on label prints (Item 1 of 4)
  • Enhanced end of day auto report reset, users now have the option to enable or disable printing.
  • Enhanced Label printing to allow for more flexibility in product combination printing.
  • Receipt number generation can now be performed when the web order print occurs.
  • Production printer templates now have the ability to include member surname.
  • Introduced the ability to create receipt layout templates with all receipt properties able to be configured and placed as desired.
  • Introduced a new option to allow modifiers to not print on labels.
  • Added support for Follow Precious Item to printer templates.
  • Added printer template column to the printer products form.
  • Added support for suggested gratuity to be displayed on receipts.
  • Added the ability to reset order numbers from the XP report form.
  • Added the ability to print Extra Instructions property on Journal Prints.
  • Added the ability to added automatic print failover to another printer.


  • Added a member group setting to enable/disable external account charge refunds.
  • Enhanced the member product redemption form to include the expiry date of each offer.
  • Introduced an Account Balance Display mode for XP.
  • Added the ability to set a default sorting order for the member product’s form.
  • Added an option to automatically create a member for Phone Orders.


  • XP has been integrated with Delivery Command.
  • Drivers can now be assigned through XP and integrated to Delivery Command.
  • Added support for the Clover Payment Integration
  • Added the SMG alphanumeric smartcodes integration to receipts.


  • UX was refreshed for xchangepoint reporting and dashboards.
  • Added an option to xchangepoint reporting to log all clerks out across a venue.
  • Added historical reporting option for the new xchangepoint reporting.
  • Added the ability to customise the content of the reporting tiles in xchangepoint.

Menu Flows

  • Added individual product QTY support for Product Limit Menu Flows
  • Added the ability to configure Donation QTY for products in a Donation Menu Flow
  • Introduced the ability to configure clerk prompts/messages at specific operational events in XP.
  • Added the ability to support fractional product QTY’s in Menu Flows. Allows a user to configure menu flows for half/half pizzas as an example.
  • Introduced a new menu flow setting to enforce that a menu flow can only be activated through the use of an Activate Menu Flow Popup keytype.
  • Enhanced the Only Show Modified Menu Flows On Bump setting to be able to prevent cleared items being included as a modified item.
  • Added an option to allow menu flow reporting medias to be included in XP reporting.



  • Enhanced the AVG Time displayed on the KMS to allow a user to define the period for which the AVG time is calculated.
  • Added the ability to a user to Bump All or Recall All orders from the KMS.
  • Enabled clerks the ability to change an active KMS template from XP.
  • Introduced the ability to enable multiple Bump Controllers and assign by order types.
  • Added the ability to prioritise products on a KMS by their prep time.
  • Added quick view mode to KMS grouping.
  • Added KMS Order wrapping for orders that extend further than the column they are in.
  • Added in the ability to use a product’s modifiers to increase preparation time depending on the modifier’s preparation time. EG, the cooking of a steak, well done vs rare.
  • Introduced the ability to set a product’s KMS Font size.
  • Added an option for KMS and Printer Templates to print all instructions – regardless of they have been assigned or not.
  • Users can now choose if Combo Headers are displayed on the KMS.
  • User can now choose if they show a Web Order Sale Name in the header of an order on the KMS.
  • KMS Order cells now have the ability to display an item count for bagging orders.




  • Users now have the ability to show or hide product pricing on the Kiosk.
  • Users are now able to show the menu flow customer friendly name and description on Kiosk – matching what is currently utilised in TOLO.
  • Added support for Virtual Location (brands) in Kiosk.
  • System admins now have the ability to determine the prefix description for an order number that is printed on a journal printer.
  • Enhanced the Kiosk file download mechanism.


  • Added support for Cheetah loyalty integration for Kiosk.
  • Added support for member pay by point redemption into Kiosk.
  • Introduced Member Scan Only mode, turning this on will remove the manual member logon screen.


  • Error handling for payment providers has been enhanced for Kiosk.




  • User can now create virtual locations that can be used to support virtual brands in TOLO, Kiosk and third-party aggregators.
  • Transation viewer will now format generated receipts using the header and footer of the receipt printer for the terminal the transaction was performed on.
  • A warning will prompt if a user tries to remove all products from a product family.
  • Venue Company Costing has been introduced to support all location within one venue maintaining synchronised costs.
  • Added unsaved changes prompt on exit of .netcore fusion.
  • Introduced a new logon form for .netcore fusion.
  • Added the ability to create a template for an entire menu in the keypad module.
  • Clerk filtering in transaction viewer have been enhanced.
  • Added the ability to configure TOLO Payment providers in fusion.
  • Introduced the ability for web orders to be redownloaded.


  • Added product tag support for special stock.
  • Added detailed view for stock transfers in the Stock Level Tracker module.
  • Stocktakes can now be viewed in aggregated counts or individual count view.
  • Added the ability to enforce a user to add an event to a Purchase Order
  • A category filter has been added to bulk stock transfers.
  • Users can now apply an event to all selected transfers in the bulk stock transfer module.
  • Added the ability for a user to change the suggested QTY when using the request order wizard in Purchase Orders
  • Enhanced the request order wizard to be able to approve the purchase order on confirmation of the PO.
  • The recipe form can now be filtered by a user by product description or product PLU.
  • Improved the stocktakes grid to allow a user to set a new total and have the count reflect the difference from the original count and what the new total is set to.
  • A system setting has been added to allow users to transfer inactive products.
  • Users are now able to save an external PDF against a TASK Invoice
  • PAR levels for all products are now able to be set at a location level in a new location view.
  • Improved the uncounted feature in stocktakes to have the button highlighted if there are uncounted products.
  • Added the ability to approve multiple purchase orders in one action.
  • Added rebate support for the invoice module.
  • Enhanced performance for Invoice module.
  • External ID has been exposed in the supplier’s grid.

Royalty Fees

  • Added in the ability for a user to configure rebate fees as part of the Royalty Fee module.
  • Royalty fees can now be discounted per media to support the use of third-party online sales aggregators, such as Uber Eats.


  • User can now manage labour laws and have enforced breaks alert managers.


  • Member Sign up offers can now be configured to issue post email validation from the loyalty member.
  • Member password complexity policies can now be enforced when head office need to reset a member password.




  • Added the KPI Entry module to Portal.
  • Added a new Sales Dashboard that includes the following:
    • Annual Sales progress
    • Fortnightly comparison
    • Top 5 product categories
    • Order Type Comparison
    • Top 5 clerk sales by ATV
  • Users are now able to control how many clerks can be assigned to sections of a table layout.
  • Localisation support has been added to Portal.


  • Added the ability to configure email reports in Portal.


  • Added the ability to configure a clerk’s date of birth in Portal.


  • Member data can now be restricted to location access based on the clerk logged in.
  • Added the ability to configure External ID and Event System Card Number in member module.

Transaction Viewers

  • Introduced a web order only transaction viewer.
  • Transaction viewer can now be filtered by sale reason.


  • Allow a user to exclude uncounted items from a stocktake in Portal.


  • Added further search filters in the printer module.




  • Added upsize support for menu flows on the API.
  • Added support to return table and member split transactions in the transaction model.
  • Enhanced GetDeviceStatusesCheck to return details about online/offline terminals.
  • Added UomSizeTypeId to be returned in the SupplierProductCodeModel.
  • Added support to allow 3rd party price override on online ordering endpoints.
  • Retired support for V1 and V2 of the API.
  • Extended the JWT Token life when being used.


  • Introduced enhancements on the API to support the Ungerboeck integration.
  • Introduced enhancements on the API to support the OLO.com integration.
  • Introduced 3DS support for the Adyen payment integration.
  • Introduced 3DS support for the Fat Zebra payment integration.
  • Added the Menulog marketplace app integration.
  • Added the Saputo electronic invoice integration.
  • Added the TM1integration.
  • Introduced enhancements on the API to support the BATA integration.
  • Added support for virtual brands with the Uber Eats integration.
  • Moved opening hours support for the Uber Eats integration to use the same schedule as TOLO.
  • Added the Consillion cash reconciliation integration.
  • Added the Delivery Command integration.
  • Added the Deliverect integration.
  • Introduced enhancements on the API to support the Punch integration.
  • Added the Omnivore Integration.
  • Introduced improvements to the item sync in the Uber Eats integration.
  • Added the Aristocrat gaming API integration.



  • Users can now add in a prefix at a venue level to be added on member requests.



New Reports

  • New Report – Hourly Day of Week Product Forecast
  • New Report – Gift Card Top Up Summary
  • New Report – Transactions Covers
  • New Report – Future Web Order Delivery Details
  • New Report – Clerk Clock Audit All Locations
  • New Report – Stock Movements Since Last Stocktake
  • New Report – Staff Members Account Charge Export
  • New Report – Member Account Balance Audit
  • New Report – Web Order Sales Details
  • New Report – Stock Forecast with Current SOH


  • Enhanced the Open Tables Report to include a new column for minutes.
  • New filter “Exclude Float From Variance” has been added to the Cash Deposit Totals by Locations report.
  • Added support for paid/unpaid breaks into the Clock Audit Payroll report.
  • Added a new Tax Summary section to the US Daily Cash Report.

Data Warehouse


New Tables

  • New Table added – MobilePushNotificationsAllowed
  • New Table added – TerminalKioskProductLocationExclusion
  • New Menu Flow tables have been added
    • TerminalMenuFlowPeriods
    • TerminalMenuFlowPeriodsDays
    • TerminalMenuFlowSchedules
    • TerminalMenuFlowSchedulesTerminals
  • New Table added – TerminalMemberRequests
  • New Table added – TerminalSetupTagAssignment
  • New Table added – TerinalSalesPaymentsTextArgument
  • New Table added – TerminalKPICommitted
  • New Table added – TerminalMediaLocationsGLCodes
  • New Table added – TerminalMediaFunctionsAssignment
  • New Table added – IntegrationSaputoJobAudit
  • New Table added – TerminalReportResetDetail
  • The tables TerminalXeroSalesAccountsDictionary and TerminalXeroInvoicesAccountsDictionary have been added.
  • The tables TerminalRaffles and TerminalRaffleIssuedTickets have been added.
  • New Table added – IngredientDisplayGroup
  • New Table added – TerminalSalesGiftCardRedeem
  • New Table added – TerminalKMSSetup
  • New Table added – TerminalPrinterTable


  • The column MemberCardPin has been added to TerminalMemberTable.
  • The columns LastChangedDate and MenuFlowType have been added to TerminalMenuFlowSettings.
  • The column AddCrunchTimeTips has been added to TerminalMediaTable.
  • The column PreferredName has been added to TerminalMemberTable.
  • The column TrainingMode has been added to TerminalSetupTable.
  • The following database functions have been added:
    • XNGetFinancialSetupStart
    • XNGetFinancialSetupEnd
    • XNGetLastDayOfWeek
    • XNFiscalWeek
    • XNGetFinancialYearFromDate
  • The column StartDayOfWeek has been added to TerminalOptions.
  • The column TierID has been added to TerminalSales.
  • The column PaymentID has been added to TerminalSalesMedia.
  • The column SecondaryGLCode has been added to TerminalMediaTable.